
Instrumental Background Music

Everything I do starts with a simple melody, and most of them are little prayers. I’m at my best with God when I’m behind the piano at the end of most days. That’s where I bring my normal, run-of-the-mill life experiences into my prayer time, and most of what I create stems from that.

I began to record these little bits and pieces as a way to remember what I came up with, otherwise they’d be lost in the wind forever. Most of them are little two-to-three minute vignettes that sounded good enough to possibly build into other things in the future.

After a while, I decided to record and release melodies into the world as little nuggets of goodness that may also bring others into brief moments of peace and closeness with God too.

That led me to start making piano melodies for others as little dedications, intentions or just for their own personal enjoyment. What surprised me is how this is such an inexplicably-awesome way to take someone’s joys, struggles, needs and concerns into prayer and intercede on their behalf.

This site is still very much a work-in-progress, and I hope this section can be developed to accept requests at some point in the future. For now, you can reach out to me by email, on my Facebook page or my YouTube channel if you’d like me to offer something special for you or someone you love.

Worship and Liturgical Music

I started my musical journey by leading worship in my church as a teen. I eventually learned how to write songs and hymns for worship or as a way to contribute to the world of contemporary Christian music.

As I grew in the faith and gravitated closer to the Catholic world, my focus turned to creating Mass Settings and music for processionals, preparation of the gifts, Communion and recessionals.

I’ve also served as a pianist in a number of parishes and congregations, in addition to running a few ad-hoc choirs over the years.

I believe the Church, particularly in the US, is in desperate need of a renewal of music, and I’m just doing my small part to contribute to the pool of resources that we can draw from.

This section will be for the Mass Settings, music samples and sheet music that will be available for purchase in the not-too-distant future.

Orchestral Arrangements

I have a tendency to hear the world through music that resembles film scores. Yet, it wasn’t until recently that I discovered I have a knack for orchestrating music. The process of discovering this has been rewarding beyond measure, yet I have so much to learn too.

With the right equipment, practice, and a little bit of trial and error, I hope to produce spectacular pieces, and performances, that will break hearts open and draw them closer to God.

I release songs here to chart my growth and to build a portfolio of sorts. You can enjoy them on my YouTube channel along with most other streaming platforms.